6.2 SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 Subcommand codes

The subcommand code for SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 request is placed in Setup[0]. The parameters associated with any particular request are placed in the Parameters vector of the request. The defined subcommand codes are:

Setup[0] Transaction2 Subcommand Code

TRANS2_OPEN2 0x00 Create file with extended attributes
TRANS2_FIND_FIRST2 0x01 Begin search for files
TRANS2_FIND_NEXT2 0x02 Resume search for files
TRANS2_QUERY_FS_INFORMATION 0x03 Get file system information
  0x04 Reserved
TRANS2_QUERY_PATH_INFORMATION 0x05 Get information about a named file or directory
TRANS2_SET_PATH_INFORMATION 0x06 Set information about a named file or directory
TRANS2_QUERY_FILE_INFORMATION 0x07 Get information about a handle
TRANS2_SET_FILE_INFORMATION 0x08 Set information by handle
TRANS2_FSCTL 0x09 Not implemented by NT server
TRANS2_IOCTL2 0x0A Not implemented by NT server
TRANS2_FIND_NOTIFY_FIRST 0x0B Not implemented by NT server
TRANS2_FIND_NOTIFY_NEXT 0x0C Not implemented by NT server
TRANS2_CREATE_DIRECTORY 0x0D Create directory with extended attributes
TRANS2_SESSION_SETUP 0x0E Session setup with extended security information
TRANS2_GET_DFS_REFERRAL 0x10 Get a DFS referral
TRANS2_REPORT_DFS_INCONSISTENCY 0x11 Report a DFS knowledge inconsistency